

The new Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences (DIMEC) was founded on January 1, 2023 from the merging of the Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine and the former Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences.

Both Departments were already the result of a consolidation process implemented in 2012 thanks to the contribution of numerous Professors, Researchers and Technical-Administrative staff previously belonging to various Departments of the then Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.  Even then, the Guiding Principle was the desire to foster integration and cooperation between different research groups in both the clinical and biomedical areas, helping to identify common issues of particular scientific importance.

The New DIMEC has a history that goes back a long way, and its birth has now given rise to the largest Department in the health field among the Italian Universities: an impressive structure in terms of size, scientific production and clinical excellence that integrates all aspects of biomedical and translational research.


The New DIMEC aims to be the European leader for biomedical and translational research including the various aspects of prevention, diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation, as well as for training in these areas.  The nerve centre for the research, training and assistance activities of the lecturers of the New DIMEC is the Policlinico di S.Orsola and the activity at the AUSL della Romagna is rapidly expanding.

The Disciplinary Areas of the New DIMEC are:

- Internal medicine and specialist medicine area

- General surgery and specialist surgery area

- Area of women's and children's health

- Diagnostic medicine area

- Translational medicine area

- Area of public health


The vision of the New DIMEC is summed up in the statement by the Rector, prof. Giovanni Molari:

"The desire to set up such a department testifies to an awareness of the complexity of the challenges that universities and public research centres face in biomedical and clinical research, challenges that drive us to pool our best energies and seek strong institutional collaborations".                                      

In short, the goal is to achieve a synergy between care, research and training activities, with investment policies also in research infrastructures for large areas aimed at ambitious and long-term objectives with an impact in the Italian and European scenario. In order to achieve these objectives, collaboration with the other branches of the University of Bologna and with the stakeholders in the social-health field is strategic: the Emilia Romagna Region, the IRCCS AOU of Bologna Policlinico di Sant'Orsola, the AUSL of Bologna and Romagna and the Patients' Associations.