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Wreesmann VB; Sieczka EM; Socci ND; Hezel M; Belbin TJ; Childs G; Patel SG; Patel KN; Tallini G; Prystowsky M; Shaha AR; Kraus D; Shah JP; Rao PH; Ghossein R; Singh B, Genome-wide profiling of papillary thyroid cancer identifies MUC1 as an independent prognostic marker, «CANCER RESEARCH», 2004, 64, pp. 3780 - 3789 [Scientific article]
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Morton LM; Engels EA; Holford TR; Leaderer B; Zhang Y; Zahm SH; Boyle P; Zhang B; Flynn S; Tallini G; Owens PH; Zheng T, Hepatitis C virus and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a population-based case-control study among Connecticut women, «CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION», 2004, 13, pp. 425 - 430 [Scientific article]
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Zheng T; Holford TR; Leaderer B; Zhang Y; Zahm SH; Flynn S; Tallini G; Zhang B; Zhou K; Owens PH; Lan Q; Rothman N; Boyle P., Diet and Nutrient Intakes and Risk of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma in Connecticut Women, «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY», 2004, 159, pp. 454 - 466 [Scientific article]
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Zhang Y; Holford TR; Leaderer B; Boyle P; Zahm SH; Zhang B; Zou K; Morton LM; Owens PH; Flynn S; Tallini G; Zheng T, Menstrual and reproductive factors and risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma among Connecticut women, «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY», 2004, 160, pp. 766 - 773 [Scientific article]
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Ordonez N; Baloch Z; Matias-Guiu X; Evans H; Farid NR; Fagin JA; Kitamura Y; Tallini G; Eng C; Haigh PI; Faquin WC; Sugitani I; Giuffrida D; Boerner S, Undifferentiated (Anaplastic) thyroid carcinoma, in: WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION CLASSIFICATION OF TUMORS, Tumors of Endocrine Organs-Pathology and Genetics, LYON, IARC press, 2004, pp. 77 - 80 [Chapter or essay]