Gubbini G; Casadio P, Endoscopia Ginecologica: l'Isteroscopia, «BULLETTINO DELLE SCIENZE MEDICHE», 2002, x, pp. 11 - 15 [Scientific article]
Tabanelli C; Ferraretti AP; Magli MC; Balicchia B; Casadio P; Gianaroli L, Preimplantation genetic screening of aneuploidies in advanced reproductive female age: effect of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation protocols, in: Abstracts of the 18th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Vienna, Austria 2002, oxford journal, «HUMAN REPRODUCTION», 2002, pp. 60 - 61 (atti di: 18th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Vienna, Vienna,july 1-3/2002) [Abstract]
Ferraretti AP; Gianaroli L; Magli MC; Feliciani E; Casadio P; Balicchia B, A new simple index to classify ovarian response to ovarian stimulation in assisted reproductive treatment, in: Abstracts of the 18th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Vienna, Austria 2002, Oxford Jurnal, «HUMAN REPRODUCTION», 2002, pp. 119 - 120 (atti di: 18th Annual Meeting of the ESHRE, Vienna, Vienna,july 1-3/2002) [Poster]
Gubbini G; Casadio P; Nascetti D, Ablazione Endometriale: linee guida e preparazione farmacologia, in: Giornale Italiano di Endoscopia Ginecologica - Giornale della Società Italiana di Endoscopia Ginecologica, Firenze, G&G Editrice, 2002, pp. 37 - 38 (atti di: Vth International Meeting on Controversies in Gynecologic Endoscopy, Maratea, 16-18 Maggio 2002) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Gubbini G; Nascetti D; Casadio P, ISTEROSCOPIA E MENOPAUSA, in: Attualità sulla Menopausa, HPV e prevenzione del Cervicocarcinoma, 2002, pp. 26 - 28 (atti di: Attualità sulla Menopausa, HPV e prevenzione del Cervicocarcinoma, Agnone, 1 Giugno, 2002) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Gubbini G; Casadio P; Nascetti D, Ablazione endometriale: un problema aperto, in: Genazzani AR, Cela V, Artini PG, ESGOI 2002 New Thechnologies for ynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, ROMA, CIC Edizioni Internazionali, 2002, pp. 138 - 143 [Chapter or essay]
Gubbini G; Casadio P; Nascetti D, Le terapie conservative nella metrorragia disfunzionale e suoi risvolti nella terza età, in: Chiantera A, Colacurci N, Il Benessere nella Terza Età sintesi di un percorso iniziato nell’adolescenza, ROMA, CIC Edizioni Internazionali, 2002, pp. 31 - 35 [Chapter or essay]
Tosti A.; Piraccini B.M.; Bergfeld W.F.; Camacho F.; Dawber R.P.R.; Happle R.; Olsen E.A.; Price V.H.; Rebora A.; Shapiro J.; Sinclair R.; VanNeste D.; Whiting D.A., Occupational alopecia or alopecia areata?, «JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY», 2002, 47, pp. 636 - 637 [Scientific article]
Tosti A.; Piraccini B.M., Loose anagen hair syndrome and loose anagen hair, «ARCHIVES OF DERMATOLOGY», 2002, 138, pp. 521 - 522 [Scientific article]
Tosti A.; Piraccini B.M.; Ghetti E.; Colombo M.D., Topical steroids versus systemic antifungals in the treatment of chronic paronychia: An open, randomized double-blind and double dummy study, «JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY», 2002, 47, pp. 73 - 76 [Scientific article]
Tosti A.; Piraccini B.M.; Iorizzo M., Systemic itraconazole in the yellow nail syndrome, «BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY», 2002, 146, pp. 1064 - 1067 [Scientific article]
Piraccini B.M.; Lorenzi S.; Tosti A., 'Deep' white superficial onychomycosis due to molds [1], «JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEREOLOGY», 2002, 16, pp. 532 - 533 [Scientific article]
D'Arienzo P.; Giampalma E.; Lavecchia M.A.; Capecchi V.; Battista G.; Canini R.; Gavelli G., Role of HRCT in the identification of atypical pulmonary mycobacteriosis, «LA RADIOLOGIA MEDICA», 2002, 103, pp. 158 - 170 [Scientific article]
JOVINE, ELIO, Orthogonal polarization spectral imaging: A new tool in morphologic surveillance in intestinal transplant recipients, «TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS», 2002, 34, pp. 922 - 923 [Scientific article]
Bedogni G.; Mussi C.; Malavolti M.; Borghi A.; Poli M.; Battistini N.; Salvioli G., Relationship between body composition and bone mineral content in young and elderly women, «ANNALS OF HUMAN BIOLOGY», 2002, 29, pp. 559 - 565 [Scientific article]
Rigo G.P.; Camellini L.; Azzolini F.; Guazzetti S.; Bedogni G.; Merighi A.; Bellis L.; Scarcelli A.; Manenti F., What is the utility of selected clinical and endoscopic parameters in predicting the risk of death after caustic ingestion?, «ENDOSCOPY», 2002, 34, pp. 304 - 310 [Scientific article]
Sartorio, A; Ferrero, S; Trecate, L; Bedogni, G, Thyroid function is more strongly associated with body impedance than anthropometry in healthy subjects, «JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION», 2002, 25, pp. 620 - 623 [Scientific article]
Sartorio, A; Lafortuna, C; Pera, F; Vangeli, V; Fumagalli, E; Bedogni, G, Short-term effects of exercise on body water distribution of severely obese subjects as determined by bioelectrical impedance analysis, «DIABETES, NUTRITION & METABOLISM», 2002, 15, pp. 252 - 255 [Scientific article]
Bedogni G.; Malavolti M.; Severi S.; Poli M.; Mussi C.; Fantuzzi A.L.; Battistini N., Accuracy of an eight-point tactile-electrode impedance method in the assessment of total body water, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION», 2002, 56, pp. 1143 - 1148 [Scientific article]
Bedogni, G; Iughetti, L; Ferrari, M; Malavolti, M; De Simone, M; Fiori, G; Battistini, N; Bernasconi, S, Association of waist circumference and body mass index with fasting blood insulin in severely obese children: A cross-sectional study, «DIABETES, NUTRITION & METABOLISM», 2002, 15, pp. 160 - 164 [Scientific article]