HomePage — Medical and Surgical Sciences


Oncoplastic Surgery in Saudi Arabia: A Fundamental Advancement in Breast Surgery and Medical Innovation
Professor Marco Bernini Leading the Training of International Surgeons, Promoting Oncoplastic Surgery as an Innovative Technique for Breast Cancer Treatment

Call for applications to Erasmus + mobility for traineeship 2025/26
Would you like to broaden your curriculum by working abroad? Carry out a paid traineeship in a European Union country. Apply by 13 May.

Innovation and Research
LIVERHOPE: a European study on cirrhosis with DIMEC’s contribution
We participated in an important international study, funded by the European Horizon2020 Program, whose results were recently published in the prestigious scientific journal JAMA

Do you have an innovative idea or startup?
The Call for Startups 2024/25 is open until 10 February. It offers you the opportunity to join the university program that will guide and support you in growing your idea. Apply for the call.
Presentations and meetings
EPTRI General Assembly and Scientific Meeting 2025
Training initiatives
Applications open for the CAF TECH FORWARD
Presentations and meetings
Software Development for Research and Reproducible In-Silico Experiments: Best Practices
Training initiatives
Registrations Open for the Pediatric Ophthalmology Course
Pad.4, Aula Magna Ostetricia e Ginecologia, IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna – Policlinico di Sant’Orsola, Via Massarenti, 6 - Bologna
Career guidance and work
Call for Players - 2 April
Online event