PSYMED: General and clinical psychology in the healthcare domain

The importance of psychological processes in health and healthcare pathways.

Research domains and objectives

The group’s research objective is to identify modulating factors (at the individual and organizational level) that affect the clinicians’ and healthcare workers’ motivation to care as well as their decision-making processes in the clinical domain, stress management, and communication with patients. Through these factors, we hope to understand patients’ trust in the healthcare team, their satisfaction with the care received, their management of symptoms and related emotions, and therapy adherence.

The aim is to enhance continuous training and protocol application, in order to increase awareness and professional satisfaction in healthcare personnel and improve the overall quality of life for the patient population.


Specific objectives

  1. Clinical outcomes (e.g. treatment efficacy, quality of life, therapy adherence, satisfaction with healthcare received).
  2. Decision making in the clinical domain and personalized treatment and communication.
  3. Stress and emotion regulation in healthy and patient populations.
  4.  Healthcare motivation and training.
  5.  Face perception in healthy and patient populations.

principal investigator


Alessandro Agostini

Associate Professor

Arianna Bagnis

Research fellow

Valentina Colonnello

Associate Professor

Edita Fino

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Maria Ida Gobbini

Full Professor

Monica Martoni

Associate Professor

Katia Mattarozzi

Associate Professor

Michela Mazzetti

Associate Professor

How to reach us

IRCSS Policlino di Sant'Orsola

Pavillion 21 (3rd Floor)