Genomics Laboratory

Laboratory of advanced technologies used to answer fundamental questions about the structure and function of the human genome.

This laboratory performs all of the advanced methods on the human genome, from nucleic acid extraction to genome editing with CRISPR/Cas9 (as authorized by the Minister of Health).

Teaching activity:

Internships for the graduation thesis in Medical Biotechnology and Medicine and Surgery.


  • Leica fluorescent microscope, donated by the association “Vola con Martin oltre il 21”.
  • Laminar flow hood for cell culture s@femate EZ 1.2 EuroClone, donated by the following groups: "Tenuta del Monsignore" - San Giovanni in Marignano, “Associazione Crescere Insieme” - Rimini, “Associazione Centro21” - Riccione, “Compagnia dei 5 pani e 2 pesci” - Pesaro, Staff Macelleria “Luca Carni” – Rimini (thanks to an initiative by Ester di Paolo and Giovanna Lelli and their friends in Pesaro and Rimini).
  • Sorvall X Pro TermoFisher centrifuge, donated by “Progetto Pulcino Onlus” - Reggio Emilia.
  • Freezer at -80°C (in the basement) donated by “Progetto Pulcino Onlus” - Reggio Emilia.
  • Electroporator Neon - Invitrogen.
  • Cyclic thermostat for PCR - MJ Research PTC-200.
  • Water bath - Julabo TW12.
  • Weigh scale - Ohaus Scout Pro.
  • pH meter - Hanna HI 8424.
  • Chemical fume hood suitable for the use of highly toxic substances.
  • Refrigerator-freezer - Bosch.

Principal Investigator


Francesca Antonaros

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Maria Caracausi

Associate Professor

Maria Chiara Pelleri

Associate Professor

Allison Piovesan

Associate Professor

Beatrice Vione

PhD Student

Research fellow

Teaching tutor

Lorenza Vitale

Associate Professor


Giuseppe Ramacieri, team member

How to reach us

Department of Specialty, Diagnostic and Experimental Medicine

Histology, Embryology and Applied Biology Operations Office