Post-Genomics Lab

In the Post-Genomics lab, cellular and molecular biology methods are used for in vitro and in vivo investigations: cell cultures, functional assays, extraction of nucleic acids and proteins, qPCR, Western blot, and micromanipulation of zebrafish embryos.

Research areas:

I progetti portati avanti nel laboratorio di post-genomica sono articolati nei seguenti ambiti:

  1. Modulating the biology of human stem cells derived from adult or perinatal tissues using natural stimuli and physical energy

The project aims to study the biological effects of physiological molecules, molecules of natural origin or physical stimuli, on mesenchymal cells from adult tissue (such as adipose tissue or dental pulp) and from perinatal tissue (such as placenta or umbilical cord). In particular, the modulation of stemness, differentiation, and senescence of stem cells are studied. Furthermore, the relationship between the cytoskeletal alterations and the consequent morpho-functional changes of adult human stem cells is studied.

2. Functional genomics of complex human traits

The projects carried out in the post-genomics laboratory are divided into the following areas:

    Active projects:

    - Analysis of the CYYR1 locus (HC21) in cellular models and in Zebrafish;

    - Functional characterization of lncRNA in Parkinson's disease;

    - Study of the TNPO3 gene in relation to LGMDD2 dystrophy;

    - Role of BDNF in the response to stress.

    Teaching activity:

    The Lab is used for undergraduates carrying out the internship period to complete their Degree. Occasional educational activities are organized with small groups of university students of the School of Medicine or the School of Science.

    Tools supplied

    • Thermocycler
    • Laminar flow biological hood
    • Benchtop centrifuge
    • Thermostatic bath
    • Optical microscopes
    • Inverted microscopes
    • Fluorescent stereo-microscope with camera and attached monitor
    • Microinjection system
    • Electrophoretic devices
    • Roller stirrer
    • Vortex
    • Fridge/freezer.

    Principal Investigator


    Federica Facchin

    Associate Professor

    Martina Fazzina

    PhD Student

    Research fellow

    Teaching tutor

    Giovannamaria Petrocelli

    Research fellow

    Teaching tutor


    How to reach us

    Sede operativa di Istologia, Embriologia e Biologia Applicata