Ongoing research objectives
Hepatobiliary Research:
Studies on the advanced diagnosis of acute and chronic liver pathologies, the study of new CT/MR diagnostic criteria for benign and malignant liver tumors, utilizing histological and radiogenomic data, the elaboration of pre-transplant downstaging and super-downstaging protocols, studies of stereo-taxic radiotherapy to define the target and assess the response. Studies of new liver contrast media for MR, radiomic studies for predicting the microvascular invasion of HCC before the transplant and the resection and as a predictive element of the response to treatment for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
Interventional/Oncological Research:
Studies on the development of new intra-arterial treatments (TAE, c-TACE, DEB-TACE, and TARE) for primary hepatic pathologies using interventional radiology techniques, and the subsequent evaluation of the tumor’s response to the treatment, pre-operative downstaging and super-downstaging of HCC before liver transplant.
Uro-nephrological research:
Studies on the integrated medical and surgical management of pathologies of the uronephrological tract in order to develop innovative treatments and techniques, apply predictive factors of the disease risk and the clinical response, radiomic studies to identify clinically significant neoplastic lesions in prostate cancer.
Gastroenterology research:
Studies on chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases, colo-rectal tumors, the study of new contrast media for MR of the small bowel for tenuous-mesenteric diseases, radiomic studies to differentiate between stenosing Crohn’s disease in the active phase and fibroses and to predict the response of locally advanced rectal cancer to neoadjuvant chemo-radiotherapy.