Laboratory for the Study of Eye Movements and Binocular Vision

The laboratory aims to study eye movements, study nerve conduction along the visual pathway, and study amblyopia.

The Laboratory is designed on the basis of the current structural prerogatives provided by the relevant regulations. Diagnostic activity in the care setting concerns patients with ocular motility and binocular vision disorders and/or amblyopia recruited on a voluntary basis in the outpatient clinics dedicated to the study and treatment of the aforementioned pathologies.

Diagnostic and research activities are dedicated to an ultra-specialistic field of ophthalmology for which the University Ophthalmology Clinic at S.Orsola-Malpighi has been a large catchment area for many years.



Physiology and pathophysiology of ocular motility and binocular vision in healthy subjects and those with strabismus and/or pathological ocular nystagmus; recording and study of normal and pathological eye movements in normal, strabismic, or optic nerve pathologies (glaucomatous optic neuropathy) or demyelinating subjects; study of electrical impulse conduction along the entire visual pathway in optic nerve pathologies (glaucomatous optic neuropathy and optic neuritis); research and testing of new treatment strategies for amblyopia outside the plastic age of the visual system.


Teaching Activities:

The Laboratory is attended by Students of the Alma Mater for preparation of their Undergraduate and Postgraduate Theses. Students from the School of Medicine and Surgery [Single-cycle degree in Medicine and Surgery, School of Specialization in Ophthalmology] attend in particular.



  • Eye-tracker: sistema di registrazione dei movimenti oculari (View Point - Arrington Research) utilizzato in collaborazione con la Bioingegneria del Policlinico S. Orsola cui è stato applicato un software (SacLab) realizzato c/o il Laboratorio di Bioingegneria dell’Università di Bologna – eDIMES Lab allo scopo di rendere lo strumento più fruibile ai fini della ricerca e dell’archiviazione dei dati.
  • Elettroretinografo – Apparecchio per elettrofisiologia oculare: sistema di registrazione dei potenziali visive evocati con stimolo pattern e registrazione dell’elettro-retinogramma con stimolo pattern.
  • Ocular Response Analyzer: sistema di studio dell’isteresi corneale (caratteristiche biomeccaniche corneali)
  • Microperimetro (Maia- Macular Integrity-Assesment): sistema di studio della sensibilità retinica maculare allo stimolo luminoso e della stabilità/instabilità/localizzazione della fissazione centrale

Principal Investigators


The Laboratory is staffed by Colleagues from research groups with whom research is conducted in collaboration :

Laboratorio di Bioingegneria dell’Università di Bologna – eDIMES Lab;

IRCCS Stella Maris -CNR di Pisa.

How to reach us

IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliera-Universitaria di Bologna