Research fields
- Mechanism of action of Shiga bacterial toxins
- Study of the pathogenesis of childhood hemolytic uremic syndrome caused by Escherichia coli strains that release Shiga toxins
- Molecular pathology of ribosomes and translation
- Molecular pathology of cancer
Teaching activity:
Internship for experimental thesis preparation (Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences, Health Biology)
Molecular biology:
- Western blotting apparatus (Hoefer-Pharmacia)
- Techne Hybridizer HB-1D, Protein and DNA electrophoresis systems (Biorad e C.B.S Scientific)
- Microcentrifuges (MPW-ALC centrifuge-Eppendorf)
- PCR (Genenco-HJR research, Inc).
- FPLC apparatus (Pharmacia) and conventional chromatographic systems