Take part in the revision of the University Statute
University of Bologna staff can consult the working group's documents and submit thoughts or comments by logging on to the dedicated site.
Meetings and Initiatives
"Development Cooperation: What Role for Universities?"
The seminar is discussion forum on development cooperation between representatives of the university world and representatives of different areas of cooperation.
Meetings and Initiatives
New Unibo podcast review: SILVA - Storie per un pianeta da curare
Four episodes on how literature can help us understand the relationship between man and the environment
Doctoral degree conferment ceremony - 20 June
Are you PhD graduates of cycles XXXI, XXXII and XXXIII? Attend the ceremony and register by 9 June.
Innovation and Research
Keep an eye on your dog’s eye! Dog Owner Ocular Microbiome
A study on the environment in which dogs and their owners live through the study of their tears
Meetings and Initiatives
GenerAzioni: research and the city
From 2 March, in the Salaborsa Library, PhD students will be tackling some of the most significant social, environmental and cultural challenges of our time. Take part in the cycle of five events.
The 2022-27 Strategic Plan website is now online
The place to go to understand the goals and share the progress of the Plan.