Human Microbiomics Unit
Phylogenetic and functional characterization of human microbiomes

Fields of research
Role of the microbiome in the onset and progression of several diseases, including the investigation of links between microbiome, cancer and non-communicable diseases. In addition, we study the impact of the microbiota on therapeutical responses, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, viral and microbial infections, nutritional interventions, exposome and fecal transplantation.
Development of microbiome-based therapeutical approaches to re-establish the host-microbiome homeostasis.
Research projects
ORCHESTRA: Connecting international cohorts to increase common and effective response to SARS-CoV2 pandemic ( ORCHESTRA is an european project financed by the European research and innovation program Horizon 2020, part of the ERAvsCORONA Action Plan. Among the aims of the project, we address the characterization of the intestinal microbiome in COVID-19 patients, to ameliorate patient triage and derive clinical recommendations.
TRIGGER: SoluTions foR mItiGatinG climate-induced hEalth thReats (https.// The project is financed by the European research and innovation program Horizon Europe. It’s focused on studying the impact of climate changes on human health and environmental ecosystems. One of the major ai mis the study of the human respiratory microbiome in relation to the individual exposome, including environmental biotic and abiotic polluting parameters, as well as individual lifestyle. In particular, we evaluate the potential role of the microbiome in influencing the incidence of respiratory diseases in pediatric subjects and cardiovascular diseases in adults.
Oncopassport (Prof. Pier Luigi Zinzani, ricerca finalizzata – Italian Ministry of Health). Role of the intestinal microbiome in non-Hodgkin diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) undergoing immunotherapy following the R-CHOP scheme (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine e prednisone).
MicroLinf (Prof. Pier Luigi Zinzani). Role of the intestinal microbiota in resistant/relapsed B-cell Hodgkin lymphoma undergoing PD1-blockade treatment.
Research financed by Hoffman-La Roche (Prof. Fabio Piscaglia). Role of the intestinal microbiota in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing treatment with atezolizumab and bevacizumab.
Research financed by AlfaSigma. Evaluation of novel antibiotic compounds for the treatment of Clostridioides difficile infection exploiting ex vivo techniques and miniGut models.
CLiMB-Out: ChiLd MicroBes predict how to stay away from Obesity. Project co-financed between the European Union and the EITFood consortia, to counteract childhood obesity.
Ricerca finalizzata – Italian Ministry of Health (Prof. Nicola Baldini). Role of the intestinal microbiome in osteosarcoma patient during chemotherapy.
Fecal Microbiome Transplantation project (Prof. Giovanni Barbara, Prof. Vincenzo Stanghellini). Study of donor and recipients of fecal microbiome transplantation and identification of “super-donors”.
Role of the intestinal microbiome during hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in pediatric patients (Prof. Andrea Pession, Prof. Riccardo Masetti)
Investigation of the intestinal microbiome and derived metabolites in obese patients and the relationship with eating behavior (Prof. Uberto Pagotto)
Lifestyle and cardiovascular health in relation to the intestinal microbiome (Prof. Claudio Borghi, Prof. Arrigo Francesco Giuseppe Cicero, Dott. Davide Agnoletti)
Study of the intestinal, vaginal and tumor-associated microbiome in ovarian cancer patients (Prof. Pierandrea De Iaco, Dott.ssa Anna Myriam Perrone)
Intestinal microbiome in pediatric patients with bronchiolitis caused by respiratory syncytial virus (Prof. Marcello Lanari, Dott. Daniele Zama)
Intestinal microbiome in short bowel syndrome patients (Prof. Loris Pironi)
ESCAPE project (Prof. Luigi Ricciardiello). Evaluation of the intestinal and mucosa-associated microbiome in patients suffering colon-rectal cancer.
Role of the intestinal microbiome in chronic inflammatory diseases (CID) in relation to biological therapy (Prof. Paolo Gionchetti, Prof. Fernando Rizzello)
Microbiome in preterm newborns (Prof. Luigi Tommaso Corvaglia e Prof.ssa Arianna Aceti)
- AIRC Individual Grant - IG 2022 : “Role of the gut microbiome in the outcome of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients treated with CAR-T cell therapy”
- POS Trajectory 5 “Nutraceutic, nutrigenomic and functional foods” (Italian Ministry of Health, partner 2023)
- PNRR, PE10, Models for a sustainable diet (SPOKE5, Life long Nutrition – partner 2022)
Updated research objectives
This is the first description of the unit, therefore, there are no updates to be made regarding the research objectives.
Team Manager
Full Professor
Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche - DIMEC
Via Massarenti 9
Bologna (BO)
Team members
Monica Barone
Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)
Marco Fabbrini
Research fellow
Mariachiara Mengoli
PhD Student
Sara Roggiani
PhD Student