Translational Medicine
Bacterial Toxins
Biomarkers of Aging and Age-Related Diseases
Biotechnology of human stem cells
Cellular differentiation and neoplastic transformation
Embryonic development of the face
Functional genomics of complex human traits
Glycobiology and glycopathology
Immunology and biology of metastasis
Histology and congenital diseases
Human Microbiomics Unit
Molecular and cellular mechanisms of oxidative stress
Molecular markers of bone sarcomas
Molecular mechanisms shared between aging, age-associated diseases and human longevity
Non-coding RNAs and cancer biomarkers
Nutrition as an anti-aging strategy
Regenerative cardiac medicine, cardiotoxicity, and differentiation therapies in oncology
Stem Cells: Natural stimuli and physical energy to modulate the biology of human mesenchymal stem cells
The Role of Tyrosine Kinase Membrane Receptors (RTK) in Tissue Homeostasis and Cancer Progression; mRNA biomarkers in colo-rectal cancer
Toxic Enzymes and Immunotargeting
Tissue degeneration and regeneration in the field of dentistry
Tumor Cell Biology