Biotechnology of human stem cells

The isolation and immuno-functional characterization of mesenchymal and epithelial stem cells, from adult and peri-natal tissues.

From left to right: Pasquale Marrazzo, Francesco Alviano, Laura Bonsi, Cosetta Marchionni, Valeria Pizzuti.

Research projects

- The isolation and immuno-functional characterization of stem cells; the study of their differentiating capacity. 

-The immuno-modulating and tolerogenic activity of stem cells.

- The study of the relation of human stem cells' lipid membrane profile and their biological properties of proliferation and differentiation.

- The selection of isolated stem cells (without considering subpopulation) from extra-embryonic and adult tissues for applications in regenerative medicine.

- The development of innovative selection methods to be applied to the stem-cell population, based on field flow fractionation.

- The development of methods for the analysis of biophysical parameters using 3D models of stem cell spheroids.

Ongoing research objectives

- The generation and characterization of 3D culture models for tissue-engineering approaches.

- The study of the differentiating capacity along the pancreatic-endocrine line of amniotic-membrane stem cells.

Databank of human stem cells

 The activities of the research group have resulted in the creation of a biological databank for the cryoconservation of human stem cells. The samples will be used for research and in collaborations with clinical laboratories for the study of various pathologies.

The databank has mesenchymal cells isolated from the following: amniotic mebrane, chorionic membrane, umbilical cord, bone marrow, dental pulp, adipose tissue, intestinal mucosa, and pancreatic tissue; as well as epithelial cells isolated from the amniotic membrane.

principal investigators


Cosetta Marchionni

Area dei Funzionari - Settore scientifico - tecnologico

Pasquale Marrazzo

Fixed-term Assistant Professor working in a different University


Prof. Gaetano La Manna

The study of the immuno-modulating effect of NGAL on lymphocytic populations derived from hyper-immune hemodialysis patients.


Prof. Carlo Ventura

The study of the proliferative and differentiating capacities of the stem cell populaiton.Studio delle capacità proliferative e differenziative di popolazioni staminali.


Prof. Silvia Canaider and Dr. Federica Facchin

The study of the in vitro effects of supplementation with a specific lipid composition on the biological properties of stem cells.


Prof. Claudio Agostinelli and Dr. Maura Rossi

The development of three-dimensional culture methods for the study of the lymphoid populations.


Prof. Pierluigi Reschiglian - Stem Sel

The development of a technology for the separation and characterization of human stem cells.


 Dr. Daniele Gazzola - CellDynamics

The development of a technology for the analysis of biophysical parameters using 3D models of stem cell spheroids.


Dr. Alexandros Chatgilialoglu – Remebrane

The study of the relation of human stem cells' lipid membrane profile to their biological properties of proliferation and differentiation.


Prof. Andrea Pession and Prof. Giacomo Lanzoni

The study of the differentiating capacity along the pancreatic-endocrine line of amniotic-membrane stem cells.

How to reach us

Department of Specialty, Diagnostic and Experimental Medicine- Histology, Embryology and Applied Biology Operations Office