Pubblicazioni scientifiche
Calabrese C; Di Febo G; Brandi G; Morselli-Labate AM; Areni A; Scialpi C; Biasco G; Miglioli M, Correlation between endoscopic features of gastric antrum, histology and Helicobacter pylori infection in adults, «ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY», 1999, 31, pp. 359 - 365 [Articolo in rivista]
Baraldo M.; Ferraccioli G.; Pea F.; Gremese E.; Furlanut M., Cyclosporine a pharmacokinetics in rheumatoid arthritis patients after 6 months of methotrexate therapy, «PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH», 1999, 40, pp. 483 - 486 [Articolo in rivista]
Pea F.; Milaneschi R.; Baraldo M.; Talmassons G.; Furlanut M., Isoniazid and its hydrazine metabolite in patients with tuberculosis, «CLINICAL DRUG INVESTIGATION», 1999, 17, pp. 145 - 154 [Articolo in rivista]
Pea F.; Furlanut M.; Poz D.; Baraldo M., Pharmacokinetic profile of two different administration schemes of teicoplanin. Single 400 mg intravenous dose vs double-refracted 200 mg intramuscular doses in healthy volunteers, «CLINICAL DRUG INVESTIGATION», 1999, 18, pp. 47 - 55 [Articolo in rivista]
Michieli M.; Damiani D.; Ermacora A.; Masolini P.; Michelutti A.; Michelutti T.; Russo D.; Pea F.; Baccarani M., Liposome-encapsulated daunorubicin for PGP-related multidrug resistance, «BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY», 1999, 106, pp. 92 - 99 [Articolo in rivista]
Pea F.; Damiani D.; Michieli M.; Ermacora A.; Baraldo M.; Russo D.; Fanin R.; Baccarani M.; Furlanut M., Multidrug resistance modulation in vivo: The effect of cyclosporin A alone or with dexverapamil on idarubicin pharmacokinetics in acute leukemia, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY», 1999, 55, pp. 361 - 368 [Articolo in rivista]
Finizio F.S.; Frank G.; Presutti L.; Cunsolo E., Neuroradiological aspects of non acoustic tumours of the cerebellopontine angle, «RIVISTA DI NEURORADIOLOGIA», 1999, 12, pp. 595 - 600 [Articolo in rivista]
Isolani L; Fiorentini C; Violante FS; Raffi GB, Short-term neurobehavioural effects in anaesthetists with low exposure to nitrous oxide, «ARHIV ZA HIGIJENU RADA I TOKSIKOLOGIJU», 1999, 50, pp. 381 - 388 [Articolo in rivista]
D'Elia V; Lodi V; Naldi M; Gherardi G; Violante FS; Bonparola M; Badiello R; Raffi GB, Gardening work and heavy metals in urban environment, «ARHIV ZA HIGIJENU RADA I TOKSIKOLOGIJU», 1999, 50, pp. 163 - 170 [Articolo in rivista]
Ferre S.; Rimondini R.; Popoli P.; Reggio R.; Pezzola A.; Hansson A.C.; Andersson A.; Fuxe K., Stimulation of adenosine A1 receptors attenuates dopamine D1 receptor-mediated increase of NGFI-A, c-fos and jun-B mRNA levels in the dopamine-denervated striatum and dopamine D1 receptor-mediated turning behaviour, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE», 1999, 11, pp. 3884 - 3892 [Articolo in rivista]
Ferre S.; Popoli P.; Rimondini R.; Reggio R.; Kehr J.; Fuxe K., Adenosine A(2A) and group I metabotropic glutamate receptors synergistically modulate the binding characteristics of dopamine D2 receptors in the rat striatum, «NEUROPHARMACOLOGY», 1999, 38, pp. 129 - 140 [Articolo in rivista]
Rimondini R.; Fuxe K.; Ferre S., Multiple intramembrane receptor-receptor interactions in the regulation of striatal dopamine D2 receptors, «NEUROREPORT», 1999, 10, pp. 2051 - 2054 [Articolo in rivista]
Caletti G.; Togliani T.; Grilli A.; Bocus P.; Fusaroli P.; Roda E., Operative endosonography, «GIORNALE ITALIANO DI ENDOSCOPIA DIGESTIVA», 1999, 22, pp. 203 - 209 [Articolo in rivista]
Caletti G.; Fusaroli P.; Villa-Gomez Roig G.; De Groot K.M.; Nageshwar Reddy D., Inoperable esophageal carcinoma, «GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY», 1999, 49, pp. 814 - 817 [Articolo in rivista]
Caletti G.; Fusaroli P., Endoscopic ultrasonography restaging of oesophageal cancer: Linear, radial or nothing?, «ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY», 1999, 31, pp. 598 - 600 [Articolo in rivista]
Mazzella G.; Fusaroli P.; Pezzoli A.; Azzaroli F.; Mazzeo C.; Zambonin L.; Simoni P.; Festi D.; Roda E., Methylprednisolone administration in primary biliary cirrhosis increases cholic acid turnover, synthesis, and deoxycholate concentration in bile, «DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES», 1999, 44, pp. 2478 - 2483 [Articolo in rivista]
Gri G; Chiodoni C; Terrazzini N; Colombo MP, Regulation of interleukin-12 Receptor Expression in tumor bearing mice, in: XXVII SICA, 1999(atti di: XXVII Conference of the Italian Society of Immunology, Udine, Italy, June 16-18, 1999) [Poster]
K. Megyeri; K. Berencsi; T. D. Halazonetis; G. C. Prendergast; GRI, Giorgia; S. A. Plotkin; G. Rovera; E. Gönczöl, Involvement of a p53-dependent pathway in rubella virus-induced apoptosis, «VIROLOGY», 1999, 259, pp. 74 - 84 [Articolo in rivista]
Marshall JD; Chehimi J; Gri G; Kostman JR; Montaner LJ; Trinchieri G, The interleukin-12-mediated pathway of immune events is dysfunctional in human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals, «BLOOD», 1999, 94, pp. 1003 - 1011 [Articolo in rivista]
Mengheri E.; Nobili F.; Vignolini F.; Pesenti M.; Brandi G.; Biavati B., Bifidobacterium animalis protects intestine from damage induced by zinc deficiency in rats, «JOURNAL OF NUTRITION», 1999, 129, pp. 2251 - 2257 [Articolo in rivista]