Progetti da finanziamenti europei
Development, diagnostic and prevention of gender-related somatic and mental comorbities in irritable bowel syndrome in Europe - prof. Barbara Giovanni
Cancer Prevention at Work (CPW): Occupational health surveillance in the implementation of prevention - prof. Boffetta Paolo
Solutions for mitigating climate-induced health treaths - TRIGGER - prof.ssa Brigidi Patrizia
Decompensated cirrhosis: identification of new combinatorial therapies based on systems approaches - prof. Caraceni Paolo
Scaling up multi-party computation, data anonymization techniques and synthetic data generation - prof. Castellani Gastone
BIOmarker based diagnostic TOOLkit to personalize pharmacological approaches in congestive heart failure - prof. Diemberger Igor
Personalised response monitoring in oncology: co-creating clinical trials in advanced breast cancer - prof. Fanti Stefano
Research infrastructure training plus – RitrainPlus - prof.ssa Forni Monica
Heart failure patient management and interventions using continuous patient monitoring outside hospitals and real world data - prof. Galiè Nazzareno
PCOS in adolescent girls and young women: toward a treatment guided by pathophysiology - prof.ssa Gambineri Alessandra
Personalized Drug Response: implementation and evaluation in CKD - prof. La Manna Gaetano
“Special needs by placebo”: programme to advise, Normalize and control its European Administration. PANACEA - prof.ssa Mattarozzi Katia
Food systems transformation towards healthy and sustainable dietary behaviour - prof. Pagotto Uberto
ECL-based infectious pathogen (bio)sensor - prof.ssa Varani Stefania
Non-invasive bedside exploration of cerebral autoregulation in mild-to-moderate hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: correlation with neuroradiological and psychomotor outcome - prof.ssa Martini Silvia
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Teach the Teacher program - prof. De Ponti Fabrizio
Planetary Health Education In Prescribing - prof. De Ponti Fabrizio
Skills for the European Open Science Commons: Creating a Training Ecosystem for Open and FAIR Science - prof.ssa Forni Monica
Investigating NEGR1 as a novel treatment target in major depressive disorder - prof. Giorgini Rimondini Roberto